Travelling by ferry

Travelling by ferry to Koh Lanta

All ferrys arrive at the same pier so when you arrive to Koh Lanta harbor, there are many tuk tuk taxies waiting to bring you to the resort. Cost about 100 THB per person ( its only 3 Km to Laguna Beach Club at Klong Dao Beach )

Ferry Timetable Phuket – Koh Lanta (Starting on Oct till May )

Phuket – Phi Phi

Phi Phi – Phuket

Dep. Arr. Dep Arr.
08:30 10:30 09:30 11:30
13:30 15:30 14:30 16:30

Ko Lanta – Phi Phi

Phi Phi – Ko Lanta

08:00 09:00 11:30 12:30
Note: Operates daily from October 2016 until April 2017 Please check for schedule changes locally, before traveling.
 Ferry Timetable Krabi – Koh Lanta (November – April only)

Krabi-Ko Lanta

Ko Lanta-Krabi

Dep. Arr. Dep Arr.
10:30 12:30 08:00 10:00
13:30 16:00 13:00 15:00
Note: Operates daily from November until April

Ao Nang – Ko lanta

Ko Lanta – Ao Nang

Dep. Arr. Dep Arr.
08:00 10:00 11:00 13:00
10:30 12:30 13.00 15:00
13:30 15:30 15:00 17:00
Note: Operates daily from November until April. Please check for schedule changes locally, before traveling.

Speedboat Timetable Koh Lippe – Koh Lanta 

(November – April only)

From To Dep. Arr.
Lanta Koh Lippe 13.00 16.30
Koh Lippe Ko Lanta 08.30 12.30
Note: Operates daily from November until April Please check for schedule changes locally, before traveling. 
Price 1900 THB per person Children 1140 THB per child.

Ferry-boat Timetable Koh Lippe – Koh Lanta

(November – April only)

Destination Time
From To Dep. Arr.
Lanta Koh Lipe 10.00 15.30
Koh Lipe Ko Lanta 10.00 15.30
Note: Operates daily from November until April. Please check for schedule changes locally, before traveling.
Price 1900 THB per person Children 1140 THB per child.

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